Ahmednasir Abdullahi allegedly sexually harassed two women who sought his professional assistance in divorce proceedings, a parliamentary committee was told yesterday. Ahmednasir Abdullahi has hit the headlines in the recent past for all the wrong things.The counter accusation with Gladys Shollei the former registrar of judiciary is tainting Ahmednasir Abdullahi name with each passing day. In the recent past one Brian Yongo testified to the commision that Ahmednasir Abdullahi is a S*xual pervert who harresses
women in judiciary every now and then. This is a serious offence that a high public officer accused of such gravious conduct should leave office.
This is not only worrying but deadming to the fight on gender equality and respect for women.
Yongo said
“It is my request that my complaints against Ahmednasir be taken seriously and he be removed from the JSC and membership of LSK,"
In the past Ahmednasir Abdullahi has been accused of arrogance and has not been apologetic for his forceful attack on this perceived enemies. It is also remembered that he and other lawyers represented the Jubilee coalition in the election petition after 4th march elections where cord lost that case.
Previously it has also been alleged that Ahmednasir did not have a practicising certificate as lawyer until he irregularly acquired one in 2012.
Samuel Chepkonga, the chairman of the commission has asked Yongo to provide affidavits of the s*x claims and table them on Thursday when the committee resumes its hearing.