Lately, I am coming across increasing desperate emails sent to me with questions on how to approach women for dating. Whilst I am neither a dating expert nor a counselor, but I have a word or two for the young lads who are struck in a rut when it comes to approaching women.
There are many successful stories of guys who approach girls in Matatus, public places or anywhere but what sets them aside from the other losers is the power of gab. Women are not going to forgive you for not being creative or being too much of a waif so next time you approach a girl avoid these common Kenyan pickup lines
I have come up with the list of 15 commonly used pick up lines that will guarantee you failure while approaching a girl for dating:
1) Niaje …eeh nilikuona wapi?(Very common overly abused ) Saying this to a complete stranger as the first thing makes you look like an opportunist pig ho does not deserve a gorgeous girl… Most smart girls will immediately see the gapping flaw in that pick up line …its even better to assume you have not seen her before …
2) Niaje …unanijua?
How dare you ask her if she knows you …no girl will admit openly they know you especially if she is interested in you …try another line
3) Niaje, unakaa wapi ?
Girls are skeptical about releasing their details to strangers, where she lives should never e your first line…in fact you should not care about where she lives coz it does not matter where she lives even if she lives in a cave ..
4) Unakaa poa
The sole reason you should never describe her beauty in the first line is the fact she can easily brush you off since you have made her feel her fact there is greater success if you use a good negative statement ….like you can talk of her hair looks bad but the dress is not too bad …such a line will make her think twice about you…..I guy once said to a lady ….’uso yako inakaa poa but hiyo miguu si imezeeka sana ! kwani unatembea kutoka wapi ?
Guess what, the guy WON!!
5) Najua mathaako, nyanya yako, bro yako et al
So what will be the question nagging her mind when you say this to her, instead there is a better way to say it, you should phrase it in form of a question so that you can get an answer from her …something like “bro yako bado …. [? ]” ending with a question works the magic since you spark a conversation
Add more pick up lines that should never be used on Kenya soil using the comments below.