- She don’t date Africans” earning her the title “Mrs Beijing”
- She was in Beijing ….and somewhat acquired the fake accent
- She implied the guy can’t afford her …..in a question posed to the guy during the date
- I love sausages….
One of the most hilarious replies he got from audience was bonoko style:
Edna sio Crassy, alikuwa anatafuta kaboy. pare tujuane, sasa alikutiriwa kwake na hao. mapaparazi wa FB, sasa, kuona. hagejificha, akatoka bio, harafu akapigwa mapisha, sasa kupigwo. mapisha, Zikaanikwo...sasa kuanikwo, wakakuja na ki2 inaitwa. Crass, wakamuekerea...hata juzi wamemweka kwa TV na wakamuekerea, huyo. sio Crassy..hata wewe ukiringa na hauna kakitu. utawekerewa bure... |